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Scientific Committee

Scientific Committee Coordinator


Hellen Souza
Journalist specialized in chemistry and petrochemistry

Graduated in Journalism from Instituto Metodista de Ensino Superior (São Bernardo do Campo, SP), with a postgraduate degree in Scientific Dissemination from the José Reis Nucleus of Scientific Dissemination of the School of Communication and Arts at the University of São Paulo (USP). Specialization in Fundamental Studies in International Relations by the Higher Education Institute of International Relations in Paris, with the work “Oil and shale gas in the United States: current context, perspectives and geopolitical implications”.

Journalist specializing in the manufacturing industry, with outstanding performance in covering technical topics related to the transformation of plastic materials and petrochemical inputs used in its production routines.
Publisher of Revista Plástico Industrial since its launch in 1998, work that included on-site coverage of international fairs in the sector, between 1998 and 2019 (pre-pandemic), in countries such as Germany, Italy, United States, France and Taiwan. Seven awards as a journalist specialized in covering the chemical and petrochemical sector, by the Communication Studies Center (Cecom) / Negócios da Comunicação magazine.

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Antonio Augusto Gorni
Professor at the Brazilian Association of Metallurgy and Materials

Graduated in Materials Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos (1981), master's degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the University of São Paulo (1990) and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (2000). He worked for 34 years at Companhia Siderúrgica Paulista-Cosipa in the areas of Process Development / Research and Development in Steelmaking and Hot Rolling (Heavy Plates and Strips). From 1995 to 2000, he taught Polymeric Materials at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering (FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, SP). , professor at the Brazilian Association of Metallurgy and Materials and editorial consultant for the area of polymers and metallurgy at Artliber Editora Ltda.

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Antonio Augusto Gorni
Professor at the Brazilian Association of Metallurgy and Materials

Graduated in Materials Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos (1981), master's degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the University of São Paulo (1990) and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (2000). He worked for 34 years at Companhia Siderúrgica Paulista-Cosipa in the areas of Process Development / Research and Development in Steelmaking and Hot Rolling (Heavy Plates and Strips). From 1995 to 2000, he taught Polymeric Materials at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering (FEI, São Bernardo do Campo, SP). , professor at the Brazilian Association of Metallurgy and Materials and editorial consultant for the area of polymers and metallurgy at Artliber Editora Ltda.

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Claudio Marcondes
Professor at the Packaging Institute and specialist in graphene

He has solid experience in thermoplastic resins, product and market development, with full command of new technologies and materials for the sector, with a career in global petrochemical and plastics transformation industries. He holds a degree in Materials Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), a postgraduate degree in Strategic Management of Technological Innovation and a master's degree in Materials Engineering from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). He is a technical consultant in graphene and specialist in life cycle assessment (LCA) of products, having worked internationally in the development, training and transfer of technology in countries in Latin America, Belgium, Italy, Germany, China, Turkey and the United States. He is co-author of several titles published by Instituto de Embalagens, where he is also a professor. He is also a member of the Society of Plastics Engineering (SPE), Brazil Section.

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Derval dos Santos Rosa
Associate Professor at the Federal University of ABC

Bachelor (1984) and Bachelor (2002) in Chemistry, Master in Chemistry/Science (1988) and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (1996) from Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unicamp). Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Brighton (2015). Professor at Universidade São Francisco (1996-2008) and associate professor at Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC) (2009-current). He was coordinator of the Bachelor of Science and Technology (2009), deputy dean of graduation (2009-2010) and dean of graduation (2011-2014) at UFABC. He was president of the College of Pro-Rectors of Brazil, coordinated several research projects and acts as a reviewer for several journals, including: Polymers: Science and Technology, Matter, Materials Research, Nature and Polymer Physics. He was a counselor (several terms) and director of ABPol (2017-2019).

Eliana Aparecida de Rezende Duek
Professora Titular e coordenadora do Mestrado em Biomateriais e Medicina Regenerativa da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas e da Saúde /Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (FCMS- PUC/SP)

Bachelor (1984) and Bachelor (2002) in Chemistry, Master in Chemistry/Science (1988) and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (1996) from Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unicamp). Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Brighton (2015). Professor at Universidade São Francisco (1996-2008) and associate professor at Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC) (2009-current). He was coordinator of the Bachelor of Science and Technology (2009), deputy dean of graduation (2009-2010) and dean of graduation (2011-2014) at UFABC. He was president of the College of Pro-Rectors of Brazil, coordinated several research projects and acts as a reviewer for several journals, including: Polymers: Science and Technology, Matter, Materials Research, Nature and Polymer Physics. He was a counselor (several terms) and director of ABPol (2017-2019).


Hélio Wiebeck
Senior Professor at Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at USP's Polytechnic School

He holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (1973), a Master's degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of São Paulo (1987) and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of São Paulo (1993). He is currently a professor at the University of São Paulo (USP). Has experience in the area of Chemical Engineering, currently teaches and researches in the area of Materials Engineering at the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering of the Polytechnic School, with emphasis on Polymers, working mainly on the following topics: recycling, PVC, waste, PVB, plastisol , high-performance materials and nanocomposites.

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João Carlos de Godoy
Technical and commercial director of Oeko Bioplásticos

João Carlos de Godoy Moreira graduated in Materials Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos (1989). Businessman, founder and currently Technical and Commercial Director of the company Oeko Bioplásticos, founded in 2014. He has extensive experience in entrepreneurship for technology-based companies and in managing integration programs between universities, research centers and companies for technology transfer and technical cooperation for technological research and development in Brazil and Europe for the production and development of new products in the areas of engineering plastics and biopolymers/bioplastics from agricultural renewable sources and agro-industrial waste.

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Julio Harada
Independent technical consultant and graduate professor

PhD in Nanosciences and Advanced Materials from the Federal University of ABC (Santo André, SP), graduated in Mechanical Technology from the Faculty of Technology of São Paulo (Fatec). He has a postgraduate degree in Industrial Administration from the University of São Paulo (USP), in Plastics from the Municipal Institute of Research and Development (OMTRI) in Osaka, Japan, and in Foreign Trade from UNIP. He is currently an independent Technical Consultant, Coordinator and Graduate Professor in the graduate course Engineering, Transformation and Science of Polymers at Faculdade Oswaldo Cruz. He is also director of the Brazilian Association of Polymers (ABPol) and of the Society of Plastics Engineers, Brazil Section (SPE). He worked for large companies in the petrochemical and plastics transformation sectors. He is the author of the books: Molding by Injection, Projects and Basic Principles, by Medialdea; and several titles related to the processing of plastics by the publisher Artliber.

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Karina Daruich
Director of Daruich Consulting and Corporate Training

Graduated in Industrial Chemistry from Faculdade Oswaldo Cruz, post-graduated in Marketing from Anhembi Morumbi and with an MBA in International Trade from the University of São Paulo (USP), with specialization in Project Management and Sustainable Businesses from FIA/FEA (USP), Marketing Operational and Strategic by ESPM and Polymeric Materials by Oswaldo Cruz.
He has a career developed in the petrochemical and plastics industry, with 30 years of experience in the technical, commercial and marketing areas, covering business management and market development of polymers (commodities, engineering plastics, specialties, recycled materials, biopolymers, compounds and paints ).
She is director of KDaruich Consultoria & Corporativo Training, specialized in Circular Economy, New Business, Innovation and Marketing. She is a member of the Technical Commissions for the Environment and for Elastomers and Polymers of the Regional Council of Chemistry 4th Region and mentor for start ups in the area of circular economy. She was responsible for the pioneering composting project, using certified compostable plastic bags, considered a successful case of circular economy, sustainability and innovation in 2013 by BASF.

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Katia Tannous
Professor at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering (FEQ) at Unicamp

He holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Caxias do Sul (1985), a Master's degree in Chemical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (1989) and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (1993). He did postdoctoral work at the University of Waterloo in 2000 on the topic “polymerization of polyethylene using metallocene as a catalyst”. In 2004, he became a specialist in distance education and human resources training at PUC-Campinas. In 2010 and 2012, he carried out postdoctoral internships at the University of British Columbia, where he worked on the subject of flow and storage, as well as fluid dynamics in fluidized beds of various biomasses. She is currently an Associate Professor (MS-5.2) at the State University of Campinas.

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Melissa Gurgel Adeodato Vieira
Head of the Process and Product Development Department at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering (FEQ) at Unicamp

Graduated in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará (2001) receiving the Magna cum Laude Academic Merit Award, with a master's degree in Chemical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (2003), a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (2006), a post-doctorate at Universität Stuttgart (2007) and two post-doctorates at the State University of Campinas (2008 and 2009). She is currently Associate Professor (MS 5.2) and Free Lecturer and Head of the Process and Product Development Department (DDPP) at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering (FEQ) at the State University of Campinas-UNICAMP. She was head of the Process and Product Development Department (2016-2018) and postgraduate coordinator at FEQ/UNICAMP (2018-2020). He has experience in Process Engineering and Environmental/Sanitation Engineering, with an emphasis on Industrial Operations and Equipment for Chemical Engineering, working mainly on the following topics: unit operations, treatment of industrial effluents, reuse and treatment of waste, particulate systems, involving adsorption processes, drying, coating of particles and development of multiparticulate pharmaceutical forms with modified release. She is a CNPq Research Productivity Scholar (PQ) 1D and has received numerous awards for her work in scientific and technological research.

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Michel Brienzo

Researcher at the São Paulo State University (Unesp-Rio Claro-SP) and the Bioenergy Research Institute (Ipben)

He works with Characterization and Conversion of Biomass into Bioenergy. He is coordinator of the Biomass Characterization and Conversion Laboratory (LCCB) at Ipben and coordinator of the Graduate Program in Bioenergy (USP, Unicamp and Unesp) at Unesp. He is on the Editorial Board of Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fiber and Bioenergy Research. He holds a degree in Biochemical Engineering and a PhD from the University of São Paulo (USP-Lorena). He carried out postdoctoral training at the University of Stellenbosch (South Africa) and at the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro), working on pre-treatments and physical-chemical analysis of biomass for the production of 2G ethanol. He has experience in Biotechnology with an emphasis on Industrial Microbiology, Enzymology and Biomass Conversion. Recent researches are dedicated to the use of polysaccharides in the production of bioactive compounds and bioplastics, with an approach on biodegradation

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Nelson Assumpção Filho
Textile Mechanical Engineer, founder of Nelxon Ltda, distributor of Futamura Filmes Celulósicos and director of APPA

He was a professor at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering. He holds a postgraduate degree in Marketing Strategies for the Industry from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and also in Occupational Safety Engineering from Fundacentro. He started Celomax in 2009, a pioneer in the transformation and commercialization of compostable films in Brazil.

It has vast experience in the national and international market, bringing to Brazil products and brands such as Garware Industries films (India), Manuli films (Italy), Toray films from Japan, United States, France, Malaysia and Korea; Polykar Industries and Compostable Films from SBS (Canada). Distributor of Futamura Filmes Celulosicos.

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Roniérik Pioli Vieira
Professor at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering (FEQ) at Unicamp

He holds a Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate in Chemical Engineering. He is currently Professor MS-3.1 at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). He is interested in research involving the synthesis and functionalization of polymers: terpenes as monomers, solvents or renewable additives; synthesis of pH and temperature responsive polyacrylates; and preparation of films and hydrogels based on natural and/or synthetic polymers. Potential applications of these materials are packaging and bioactive medical devices.

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